Showing posts with label Article Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Article Writing. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Submission to search engines: Best method of increasing web traffic and visitors

Get familiar with site submission

All web masters and ardent bloggers would like more visitors to their web page whether they are running a business or not. While this depends on lots of things like SEO and back links, certain easy methods too exist. Most popular method of doing this is to look up submission sites that submit your web page to hundreds of search engines worldwide.

Bloggers can increase the traffic to their websites by submitting their webpage to some sites given below. While this may be effective, some web sites will require time to show results. However, there is no guarantee that your visitors will increase overnight. 
Do your SEO
For keeping your web site on track with recommendation laid down by search engines, you have to do your SEO. SEO is acronym for Search Engine Optimisation. In short, it is a group of steps that help search engines find your site easily. 
  1. Point your links properly
  2. Use simple words that are related to topic
  3. Keep the page homogenous
  4. Do not create a jumble sale on your pages
If you have an old site that you began years ago, you should link your web page to that old site. It will show search engines that you are an "old guy". Old guys get higher preference with search engines. Getting a higher ranking with search engines means your web page will get called up faster and will have more visitors. 

Second thing is to talk cucumbers when you talk salad. If you begin to talk elephants, the "connection" will be lost. Readers too will find it difficult to relate to ideas that you present. If they see another page you have written, they will skip to the end and sign out. 

When you break up the page into paragraphs, keep moving from one idea to another in a easy manner. Do not swing from one tree branch to the next like an agitated monkey. Of course, you are not one but when you start a new topic remember to signal this to your readers by a paragraph break or sub-heading.

Lastly, one must never push out a whole lot of things hoping something will be interesting. First, your page will begin to lose its direction. Second, points that you wish to illuminate will be shadowed by something irrelevant. You will lose the flow you built up and readers will begin to "frown" when they see the "heap of dog poop".

Wait patiently for good results

After you have submitted your site to submission sites, you must wait for some time. This wait may take one week or it may take months. These submission sites have a long queue of web sites and they will only act if they are incentivised. This means they depend on ads for getting paid. So submission sites will wait for their next sponsor to come along to push the next batch of web sites out. SEO will also take time though the wait is shorter. Search engines are constantly updating their search criterion and so your improved page presentation will immediately get another packet of visitors. 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Write for Wikinut: Earn Money in Your Free Time A Review

Writing at Wikinut
If you have free time and have a flair for writing, then you should consider writing for Wikinut. This writer’s site shares 50% of the revenue generated with the writers. Simple as ABC, you can begin now and get royalties for your articles for life.

Aspects of Wikinut site
i)              Based in Wales and England
ii)            No compulsion to write on any particular topic
iii)          Ready made templates

iv)          Use video and pictures
v)            No copyrighted material allowed
Generally, a very writer friendly site, Wikinut helps newbies a lot because of its gregarious community that has lively interaction amongst writers. Moderation is very lenient and moderators allow most things through. They also help you when you choose a wrong topic for your article or you omit mentioning something pertinent. If you want to publish articles that you published elsewhere, you are allowed to do so. However, you have to mention this fact to the moderators in the box provided in your article template. Obviously, your earning increases when you have more visitors to your page.

Earn money in any of the following ways
a)   Write articles: This is the simplest of three options at Wikinut. You get 50% commission of earnings generated through visitors to your page. Also, it is not necessary to have an AdSense account to begin earning.
b)   Get money for referring your friends to Wikinut: Earn as much as 10% of your referrals earnings when you get your friends to join Wikinut.
c)   Moderate pages and earn money: Become a moderator, increase your earning by getting 5% for your moderation work.

Extra benefits for authors and writers

You will have a statistics page that lets you keep a finger on how your pages are doing and how much you have earned to date. You can cash out your earning when it reaches a total of £2.50. Previously, it was set at £5.00. I just cashed out my first paycheck at Wikinut and I am sure plenty of other writers will attest to the feeling of accomplishment one gets when this happens. You can use special formatting and dynamic content in your pages by following simple directions outlined in the Help section. So, if you have free time and like to write perfect articles, write for Wikinut, you will enjoy it. 

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Review of Your Article: Content and Presentation dominated by Keyword Creation

When you are shooting for the star, you get a star. Logic here is very simple – do not get your eyes crossed. Keep on topic right through. Articles and keywords are linked through content and its presentation. If you are baking apple pies, then everything must be dealing with apple pies. If you suddenly start talking about cooking a turkey readers will get their goose cooked.

Content and presentation revolve around an idea – topic you choose, say it is
“Moon, our natural satellite”. You write about how it reflects light from the Sun, the gravitational force on the moon and how man launched rockets to travel to moon and find out what is present there. People who write on technical subjects too have to follow format.


I)                  Common mistakes by writers 

A)  Creating ‘blank verse’

Many authors specialize in ‘blank verse’. They write the first thing that comes to their minds and then finish it when their ‘ink’ runs dry.  There is no schema there is no planned approach to topic and mostly the thought flow is uninspiring and dry. It is as interesting as smelling dried cow dung preserved for days at an end. They start with the ‘moon’ and end with a ‘stare’. This “idyllic” state is filled with some inane ramblings of self-glorification and insane repetitions. Of course, blank verse has its own takers too.

Content without any direction is a waste of time. If you are to write even two lines, if it makes sense to majority of readers, then your time is well spent. When the beginning and ending are not linearly aligned and there is no grammar the idea of creating articles filled with “blank verse” is bound to mislead every reader who comes across it. A better idea would be to submit empty sheets as your “article” – at least they will not mislead anyone.

B)   No details for your content

When you present some topic it must be detailed into items and subdivided into paragraphs. Now, let us say, you were talking about literature and suddenly decided to introduce comedy. You must elucidate comedy with some example and quote an example. If there are learned people who have read what you are quoting they will appreciate it. If you use “Why did the chicken cross the road?” kind of comic statements, readers will hurry off to find something better to do. If you are writing about a plant, you subdivide content into paragraphs and keep presentation interesting by quoting some examples.

Idea of subdividing your article into small bits or items helps readers choose what they do not know and read about it. This is success for any writer. Concentrate on achieving this since everything will fall in place when you have made steps that are easy to follow. You could break your article into the following topics.

a)     Preparing your kitchen garden
b)    Prepare nursery
c)     Preparing garden soil
d)    Sowing and growing
e)     Pests and insecticides
f)      Protecting from grass and weeds

In a separate section, you could also deal with harvest and sales of your produce. You could include packing methods and preservation techniques. Of course a study of market conditions and techniques would prove invaluable.

II)              Common errors in article writing

Article writers use repetitions that make readers wonder what exactly is going on. Even experienced writers sometimes commit simple grammatical mistakes that make the article look very bad. For this reason, one has to revise the article before they submit it.

Usage error for many writers

This is a look at some typical errors that many writers overlook.
1) Can’t—won’t: When you use these two words, you are distinguishing between the choice available to the doer of the action and the absence of choice.
2)  Than—then: This is simple and experienced writers do not commit this writing error. While the first is used to do comparison, the latter is always used to follow up a conditional statement.
3)    Who—which—that: This is a puzzle that experienced writers too commit, mainly because they cannot be bothered to keep on correcting the computer. They will use the correct form ‘that’ and computer will suggest ‘who’ or ‘whom’. When this happens repeatedly, they just give up and use the computer suggestion. Which and that are indications of inanimate things or actions while who definitely is someone animate. When you do not have to make a clear distinction you use ‘that’ while ‘which’ is used to make definite distinctions.

Use of keywords

Interspersing keywords into the article is vital. It tells where your stress lies and why your thought flow is as it is. You might not understand this but think
Keywords are the oars (Pixabay Public Domain Photos)
about it as oars – you are navigating your boat across to the other side. Without oars, you are at the mercy of the stream.

When you are writing about baking bread, you must use all related keywords such as ‘oven’, ‘flour’, ‘bake’, ‘yeast’ and maybe ‘nuts’ if you want. Articles that do not write about all these will be overlooked by search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Though each search engine has its own definitions for qualifying as top-ranking article, the common list shows how articles must be attractive, use uniformly distributed keywords, have organic traffic and have organized links.

III)           Bring interest in your article

Finding ways to keep content absorbing

Readers do not care to spend time over “perhaps it could be” and “you should try something”. They want results and action – if you provide it they will read your article.

Make the article incident-based: When I was walking to the train station this morning on my way to the office, I noticed a small chap running around a puddle by the side of the road. This is perfectly normal since most lads like to
Most children love puddles (Pixabay Public Domain Photos)
play around, except that this boy was blind. Got your attention – the boy does it every day.

Write article in present tense: Do never wander into the past – it spoils reader interest. When you learn to write in present tense, you learn to writer perfect articles.

Keep asking readers some questions: This is vital since if do not ask questions then the person will not want to read anymore. Why is this article different? Because, it deals with one important aspect of online article writingoptimization. If your article is not optimized (like mentioned in the steps above), your article will not be recognized on the Internet.

Having the sum of article writing strategies in your grasp, it is time to take up your pen. It is time for creating articles and penning content with spectacular presentations that wow readers world over. You can begin now.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Article Writing and SEO: Make Content Interesting

Essence of article writing

Article writing is interesting but laborious. Structure is important and so is grammar. This kind of adherence to principles makes content readable. Readers find it worthwhile to spend time poring over your article contents. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps your content stand out and keeps out any deficiencies in content creation. Writing is not easy anyway. 
Content should be simple and interesting
pic courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain Photos

Main aspect of writing articles is content creation

A.  Break your content into pieces

When your content stretches out like miles and miles of empty desert sands, readers will have to run in search of their camel or find new havens. For effective article writing, your SEO dictates that you have to keep it short. They are not going to trudge through endless desert nights and bear sand storms unless there is a point.

For this reason, one has to make paragraphs. This will highlight each point in the manner you mean it to be. Effective SEO involves article writing that has good demarcations.

B.  Find the topic with every sentence

a.    Center your content: You have different ideas such as creating new bathroom floors or redoing tiles so that they are all in line with the décor. To the reader it is all gibberish. They will not even know whether you are talking about a night on the town or whether your bathroom walls needs redoing. If you center your content, there will be a flow and readers will understand your point at every turn. SEO in article writing envisages clear content creation.

                                              i.     Write to the point: Illustrate each point with an example. This will help readers pick and choose what they want to read. It is like making heaps of mangos each of one type alone.

                                            ii.     Use paragraph titles: Make headers to keep your content within your idea. Therefore, each paragraph deals with one idea alone. This kind of SEO in article writing is very important since most links you use to impress search engines depend on it.
b.  Do not digress: You have to stress on the topic of your article. However, you must not go to Mecca to impress Jesus. When you step away from your racetrack, you find it difficult to get back on it.
c.    Write many points: All articles on the Internet have same type of content. When you go online, you find a few that stand the test of time. Mainly because they are loaded with points. They have more material and more to give to the readers.

C.  Keep content fresh
Make a point always
pic courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain Photos

a.  Do not repeat: Many online writers will duplicate other articles because they are not having time. If you repeat, you will only have a fraction of readers that you otherwise would have. Repetitions are boring – readers lose interest and article falls flat. For good SEO, in your article writing you have to avoid repetitions.
b.   Make interesting points: Readers have better things to do than read about old grand mummies fighting over the price of fish. They like to read about underground metallic cities and space travel. They want to learn something taking place in the world that they nothing about until now.
Keywords should be just adequate yet present
pic courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain Photos

D. Use effective links

a.    Make links to peer sites: Peer sites are those Internet web sites that come into being a long time ago. They provide the roadmap for all Internet traffic and they dictate level of respect that your site should get. Making links to such site will help you increase search engine rankings of your website.
                                              i.     Link within page should be linear: All links within your website should point in the same direction. The search engines will find it easy to look up your site. If the keyword you use are aligned in the heading and content to illustrate some point clearly then search engines will rank your website above all others.


                                                         ii.     External links must be pointed properly: Similarly, your external links have to point towards some particular topic or web niche without any doubt. If you sell children’s garments, you must point towards the school sites, libraries and tuition center sites. This way parents who come to find out material for their children will find these garment center advertisements and thus your sales will increase.
b. Links to similar sites: Search engines will put a query “Dark Colored Travel Boxes” then all web pages having one or more of the search query words will appear in the results. If you link to sites having all the words, you will have a higher ranking and will appear before other sites. Sites that do not have all the words will appear lower in the ranking.

E.  Adjust the keyword density

Articles must be refreshing
pic courtesy: Pixabay Public Domain Photos
You must not have too many words describing one thing. If you write huge, big, round, yellow, rising moon the reader will find it uninteresting. Instead, if you write yellow moon rising in the sky it becomes very interesting. You call this point as keyword adjustment.
Keyword adjustment is more important when you have active commercial dealings rather than merely social interactions.

Creation of good SEO article

SEO makes your article interesting. Every optimized article behaves better and has a gorgeous look that bewitch readers. Article content is interesting and holds readers spellbound until the very end.