General Home and Garden blog where you can also get tips on health and fitness. You will also find reviews of products. For budding authors, there will be tips for blogging and article writing. Some people like travel and for them there are new destinations and exciting places earmarked as best tourist destinations.
Friday, 12 February 2016
Analysis of Mitochondrial Disease Life Expectancy and Symptoms
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Walking is a Simple Form of Exercise: Perspective of an Article Writer
The Usefulness of Exercising

Why Should We Walk?
Let us begin by including walking in the schedule of daily events. Walking loosens the muscles, and sets the rhythm for the entire body. It improves our health, and good health is the fulcrum for an effective metabolism. Further, it helps us develop a good perception, by adding physical distance to your personal viewpoint. When you say something, it has to make meaning for we have an inbuilt radar that tells us when we are doing or saying wrong things.The Importance of SEO
Using Support Factors
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Running in the Morning
Exercise is essential for our metabolism. Ignoring this will upset our internal body mechanism such as digestion, temperature stabilization, and flushing of wastes.
The Usefulness
We burn calories through exercise. Running, or jogging in the morning is popular among the young ones. Older people like a brisk walk.
Sunday, 6 September 2015
Health is No Accident - Eat Well
Every time you do something, you spend some energy. To move, lift things, talk, sit down, and just about everything else, you need energy. We can say health is the ability of our body to do work.
Keep Energy Levels Up
The metabolism works round-the-clock taking care of your internal working. These include activities such as breathing, blood circulation, digestion, and so on. You need energy for these activities also. When the energy level drops too low (such as when you are fasting or skipping meals), the body will also do some skipping on its own. It will do only priority work and skip doing non-essential services because there isn't enough energy to go around.
Energy is Important for Life
Think about a boat which is stagnant on the lake. It will move forward when you begin to row. Likewise the human body will function well, if you eat good nutritious food. Different food items provide energy in different ways and amounts. It is advisable to have a generous distribution across the table so you have energy in all departments. Here are some food that has good nutritious content:
- Lean milk
- Nuts
- Green vegetables
- Fruits
- Fish
- Lean meat
Different Forms of Energy in Food
The body requires energy giving proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. In addition, it also requires vitamins and minerals that cannot be made by the body. So, these nutrients have to come from the food that we eat. These nutrients help in maintaining the hormone level to regulate growth of tissues. Cells in the body tissues undergo constant replacement and growth. Without this, our body will not remain healthy for long.
Friday, 28 August 2015
Weekends we take rest to be more efficient
I love my weekends. The semi-fortnightly cycle does have some earthly bearings but its effect on the human body are heavenly. For one, it arrests the galloping metabolism (or sluggish metabolism for the sedentary types) and gives the body some rest. Next, it adds variety, which makes the senses invigorated "making the juices flow".
Monday, 10 August 2015
Importance of eating a full breakfast
The human body is a wonderful machine that coordinates multiple functions into one seamless existence .
The energy for all activities inside the human body comes from the food that we eat.
Balancing the food is an art. Yet it is essential since this will provide the best nutrients a person needs.
Eating proper food in the correct amount will keep you free from disease.
Saturday, 28 June 2014
Understanding Sleep Apnea: Common Sleep Disorder
Recognizing sleep apnea
Signs of this disorder
Break in
breathing while sleeping
Various kinds of sleep apnea
Cause for incidence of this ailment
Cures and treatment
Checking on our close ones
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Increase Your Stamina: Laugh Your Way to Good Health
- · Decrease simple carbohydrates in your meal: Our blood assimilates simple carbohydrates like those present in sugar very fast. This spikes blood sugar levels and the person experiences a “happy” feeling. However, within a short time these levels crash and bring the mood down suddenly. This will make the person depressed.
- · Increase the fiber content: Fiber rich foods such as yam will improve your metabolic rate. It improves digestion and vitalizes your alimentary canal. This helps prevent plenty of diseases.
- · Increase food that contains vitamins: Include vegetables and fruits, fish and nuts in your diet. This will help to increase the nutritive value of food that you eat.
- · Incorporate exercises in your daily schedule: Exercising is vital. Simple jogging or even walking will put you on the side of good health without any effort. The best thing would be to follow a two-step plan.
- o Small exercises like jogging or stretching à 10 – 20 minutes
- o Brisk exercises like stair running or sprinting à 10 – 20 minutes
- · Get plenty of sleep: Sleep is essential for your metabolic activity. People who are sleep deprived suffer from plenty of health related problems like nervousness and irritation and inability to concentrate on jobs in hand.
- · Drink plenty of water: If you drink enough water, your body will process the food fast. The circulatory system will help to keep your body cool.